Are you experiencing sharp, shooting, burning pains in your leg ?

What is Sciatica and how did i get it ?

Sciatica is often related to an underlying spinal issue. The most common cause is nerve compression, spinal misalignment, or a herniated lumbar disc. In fact, majority of sciatica cases stem from the result of spinal disc herniation. These muscles may become tight, or you may experience a spasm in the muscles.

How do you know if you have sciatica?

Sciatic pain radiates from your lower spine to your buttock and down the back of the legs. The pain can range from a mild ache to a burning sensation. Some other symptoms include:

  • Lower back pain
  • Pain in the rear that becomes worse when seated
  • Hip pain
  • Leg pain
  • Burning or tingling down the leg
  • Weakness, numbness, or difficulty moving the legs or feet
  • Shooting pain, that could cause difficulty when standingHow we can help ?

If you are experiencing symptoms of sciatica, it is recommended that you seek treatment and/or medical advice as soon as possible. Sciatica can worsen or build up over time, so it is important to be proactive.

At Synergy a sciatica treatment plan may include chiropractic adjustments, stretches massage therapy, cold therapy to reduce inflammation, ergonomic advice, exercises, nerve flossing and overall rehabilitation. Sciatica treatment may require multiple sessions. Our main goal is to help you achieve and maintain overall spinal and nerve health during such an episode.