Are you being held back from playing sports because of a injury?

There are a number of conditions that can result from playing sports. Our muscles, joints and ligaments are really worked when in active play. This can make us susceptible to strain from overuse, trauma, or not being properly warmed and cooled down.

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Sports injuries are commonly soft tissue injuries which include muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, joints and connective tissue.

There are a number of ways in which a soft tissue sports injury can occur:

  • Muscle strain – when the muscle or tendon is pulled too far in one direction
  • Tendonitis – when the tendon becomes overused and hence build may result in wear & tear and inflammation
  • Ligament Sprains – when the ligament is stretched beyond its normal range.
  • Contusions – bruising often from direct blow to the muscle/tissue.

Diagnosis of sport injuries requires a full history of problems, and physical examination. At Synergy our conservative approach will include Chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, dry needling and exercise rehabilitation.